🗝️$SAVE Staking Rewards

Here's a breakdown of the potential rewards you can earn through staking $SAVE tokens, along with the benefits of participating:

Staking Mechanism (Coming Soon in Phase 2):

  • Staking will be a core feature of $SAVE, allowing holders to lock their tokens for a set period to earn rewards.

  • The longer your tokens are staked (locking period), the greater the weight they receive, resulting in a larger share of USDC payouts.

  • Lock Duration and Weightage:

    • 12 Months - 100

    • 6 Months - 40

    • Flexible - 10

  • Tokens that can be unlocked will retain its' payout weightage as long as it is not unstaked.

Simple Reward Scenarios (Based on Staking 1% of Total Supply):

These scenarios illustrate the potential rewards you could earn based on the total treasury size and the overall staking participation (percentage of total supply staked). This excludes increased rewards as not every holder will staked the maximum duration to simplify the calculations.

  • Easily Achievable Scenario ($1 Million Treasury):

    • Expected payout: $9.5k (assuming full participation)

    • Increased payout (30% staked): $32k (significant increase due to higher weight from staking)

  • Likely Scenario ($10 Million Treasury):

    • Expected payout: $95k (assuming full participation)

    • Increased payout (30% staked): $320k (substantial boost due to staking weight)

  • Best Case Scenario ($50 Million+ Treasury):

    • Expected payout: $475k (assuming full participation)

    • Increased payout (30% staked): $1.425 million (massive gain due to high treasury size and staking weight)

Important Notes:

  • These are hypothetical scenarios, and actual payouts may vary depending on the final treasury size and staking participation rate.

  • The calculations exclude:

    • Frequent Profit Payouts during Phase 2 and 3.

    • Additional payouts triggered by significant Bitcoin price drops.

Benefits of Staking:

  • Earn Passive Income: Staking allows you to generate a consistent stream of USDC rewards without actively trading.

  • Increased ROI: Staking a longer duration amplifies your potential returns by increasing the weight of your tokens, leading to larger USDC payouts.

  • Project Growth: Active participation in staking demonstrates your commitment to $SAVE's long-term success, fostering a stronger community.

Duration Weightage Example:

  • Assume there is 10 stakers that staked for 1% each. 3 staked for 12 months (300). 2 with 6 months (80) and 5 on flexible (50). Totaling 480 weightage.

  • Payout is $100,000

  • Payout to Holders who locked for:

    • 12 months - $100,000 / 430 * 100 = $23,255 (* 3. Total $69,765)

    • 6 months - $100,000 / 430 * 40 = $9,302 (* 2. Total $18,604)

    • Flexible - $100,000 / 430 * 10 = $2,325 (* 5. Total $11,627)

  • This ensures that committed $SAVE Holders benefits the most.

By staking your $SAVE tokens, you not only gain access to potential rewards but also contribute to the overall health and growth of the project. Stay tuned for further updates on the official launch of staking!

Note: Numbers are tentative. Any changes will be announced in advanced before staking starts.

Last updated